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About Us - Simplidistance

About Us

SimpliDistance is a one-stop-solution for students, working professionals, businessmen, women and homemakers aspiring to pursue undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) courses in Online and Distance Learning modes for upgrading their knowledge and skills to grow in their careers.

I explore I upgrade I grow is the mantra of SimpliDistance.com where you get information of anything & everything in distance education.

SimpliDistance.com is a brainchild of Ideovate Research Pvt. Ltd., a company established by young professionals with expertise in the domains of Education, Digital World, Career Guidance and Human Psychology.

SimpliDistance is India’s ONLY dedicated portal for distance education where visitors can explore 1,000+ UG/PG courses, 500+ certifications and 100+ approved universities and institutes having courses in Online and Distance Learning modes with a personalized experience.

SimpliDistance aims to help visitors in career mapping, render personalised guidance with the use of technology and suggest suitable courses that will upgrade their knowledge and skills thereby growing their careers.

SimpliDistance is a neutral platform where you get authentic, factual and updated information about not only the courses, universities and institutes but also the Government policies and the latest trends in India and across the globe in the field of Distance and Online Education. We also closely work with the industry experts and the educationists for industry requirement mapping to help students and working professionals for upgrading their skills as per industry needs.








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