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SRM Institute of Science and Technology - SimpliDistance
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SRM IST Directorate of Distance Education

Tamil Nadu
Approved / Recognized By : UGC/ AICTE
Tamil Nadu
Approved / Recognized By : UGC/ AICTE

SRM Institute of Science and Technology (IST) was in the past known as SRM University. In 1985, Dr. T. R. Paarivendhar founded this university where he held the post of its Chancellor. This university has the following five campuses: Modi Nagar (Ghaziabad), Trichy, Vadpalani, Ramapuram and Kattankulathur.

The SRM IST University set up the Directorate of Distance Education (DDE) with a vision of providing equal educational aveneues for those who have to forgo traditional classroom-based education due to individual reasons. This DDE has a mammoth potential of transforming itself into one of the leading sources of skill development and knowledge attainment thereby promoting learning experiences and assisting in lifelong learning. All SRM IST DDE programs are industry-oriented and job-pertinent. The students of this Directorate of Distance Education have considerable exposure to knowledge by means of self-learning materials, web-based resources and face-to-face counselling.

Some characteristics of SRM Institute of Science and Technology DDE are the following:

  • The Content Development teams employ novel scientific practices to develop reference or learning materials and foster cognitive learning experiences.
  • Professionals and practitioners from the industry provide online mentoring to students.
  • The SRM University evaluates students using a scientific and objective system, due to which the SRM degrees are credible and have firm standing.
  • The SRM IST University combines the optimum practices of on-campus models and distance models to come up with a high-quality education model.
  • The SRM IST DDE has technology-based delivery systems, which maximise student participation.
  • This Directorate of Distance Education gathers knowledge from varied sources inclusive of many industries.
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